Posted by: Soren Trampedach
Date: 15 August 2020
Category: Insight
2 minute read

Flexibility and agility

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. The pandemic, and the actions it necessitates, confirms agility as the prerequisite for survival. Just a few months ago, prospects appeared bleak across industries. Now, with restrictions easing and new protective measures enforced, the outlook is more positive. By operating within these measures to safeguard the health of the community, businesses can make adjustments to simultaneously enable increased productivity and employee satisfaction, to improve workplace security, and also minimise financial risk. Businesses that are systematically geared for change are those that can cautiously hope to flourish.

Corporate entities in fixed positions, traditionally those occupying multiple levels of large tower blocks, will need to readjust their approach. For smaller businesses as well, committing major funds upfront to secure a long-term commercial lease is a risk that astute operators needn’t take. Given the new parameters, in which the pandemic requires a continuing dynamic response by the government, we are likely to see greater uptake of flexible hubs. This strategy facilitates best practice, by serving the needs of both employees and the bottom line at once.

The 9-5 workday, which was already in decline, is now a thing of the past. Businesses have largely embraced working from home and while it’s likely that there will be a significant uptake of this longer term, the limitations of home workspaces have become clear. We need proper digital infrastructure to work efficiently. We also need private and protected environments to deal with sensitive information and mitigate security breaches. And while soft skills in the digital arena are now essential, there is still nothing that can replace the impact of a face-to-face meeting. Flexible employers can champion part-home and part-office based work, by determining employee location by task type.  This, in, turn, affects business resilience by reducing peak-hour commutes and the wellbeing of staff.

Here at Work Club we are constantly appraising all of our environments to suit member needs. If you have any questions regarding our systems, please do be in touch. In addition, look out for my blog on safety and landlord challenges in July.

Stay well,


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